Creating the Perfect Blend.

Building delightful lighting together.

At Light4U and Karizma Luce we create lighting that exactly matches the wishes of your customers. Whatever they are doing at that moment. At any time. And wherever they are.

We both do that in our own way. At Light4U we love to build on lighting with smart functionalities. And at Karizma Luce we master the art of creating wonderful ambiances.

We do this from the same passion for lighting, but with a focus on different markets. It’s precisely because of this difference that we strengthen each other. Together we form the Perfect Blend.

Triangle of succes.

Our home base.

Light4U has been producing custom-made fixtures since 2004. And in 2017 Karizma Luce saw the light of day. Today we each serve our own customers, worldwide. We do this from our joint home base in Joure, in the north of the Netherlands.

Here we share more than just our R&D, testing and production facilities. We also exchange our knowledge and ideas. It is a place full of energy, where everything comes together. It is precisely because of this unique symbiosis that we know how to provide all different markets.

You are essential.

It’s fair to say we cannot excel without you. Because thanks to you, we know what’s going on. In the lighting industry, and in the dreams and ambitions of your customers.

You inspire us to make our lighting even smarter and more beautiful. Your expertise from the field is simply essential to make our Perfect Blend irresistible.

A gift for the heart of your home.

To thank our relations for an extraordinary partnership, we are giving away gifts that symbolize the Perfect Blend. Made locally and with craftsmanship. Functionally of value and enhancing atmosphere, for years to come.

Our gifts from the Perfect Blend line are real eye-catchers in the kitchen, the heart of every home. And place where the best ideas often arise. They bring people together and invite them to (culinary) creation.